
4 years ago...more

This is linked to another offence by the same vehicle at the same spot 2 days later. Illegal crossing, while exceeding the 30 limit, of the unbroken white line in a dangerous position before a blind humpbacked bridge. This was due for a court appearance for 2 Covid years, but the police worked hard on getting him off and came up with: I could have been travelling at less than 10mph, and (they invented a Lancashire-only version of the law for this!) because there was no rear-facing camera footage they couldn't be sure he had actually crossed over the unbroken white line. Apparently, in Lancashire it's legal to be on the wrong side of the road on the wrong side of the white line as long as you didn't actually CROSS it! See the linked offence of 29.2.20!


Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
27/02/2020 04:53PM
Incident type
Close pass/Bad driving
Location of incident
Garstang Road, Bowgreave, Preston, PR3 1GQ, United Kingdom