Why do you record your ride?
We were climbing Myers Creek Road when I could hear a car approaching me at speed, normally cars back it off when passing on such a narrow road, but this car (Toyota Hilux Surf) seemed to speed up. It felt like it deliberately passed as close and as fast as it could to intimidate me. It ran me off the road and as I was moving back on the road, a red 80s Series Toyota Surf passed me at speed into the path of an oncoming car.
To make matters worse, the following week were climbing Myers Creek Road again around the same time, and the same idiot passed me and my friend as close as they could at speed and revved their engine after to acknowledge their stupidity. The red 80s Series Toyota passed us an again a few moments later, but was much safer this time. We reported the incident to police and didn’t see the idiot again, only the red 80s Series. I hope the Hilux Surf was taken off the road.
When you are climbing a narrow and winding road and cars don’t slow down to pass or consider oncoming traffic. When there is no shoulder to move into, you feel like it’s only a matter of time before a close pass takes you out.

When do you feel most vulnerable as a cyclist?
When you are climbing a narrow and winding road and cars don’t slow down to pass or consider oncoming traffic. When there is no shoulder to move into, you feel like it’s only a matter of time before a close pass takes you out. An education program on the importance of keeping at least 1m from cyclists and fining idiots who pass closely at speed would be good.

Did you report your incident? What was the reporting process?
Yes, I rang Healesville police station, who said they would pass it to Highway Patrol. I emailed them through the videos and registration plates. After a week I followed it up, but they aren’t responding to my emails any more.

What is your advice for other cyclists?
Get a camera and report incidents to police. If you don’t get a response, keep writing in until you do.

Want to share your story?
We’d love to hear from you. If you would like to share your stories and experience as a cyclist please reach out to the UpRide team.