UpRide Story: Caught in the Act

While passing through a give way intersection, a vehicle speeds dangerously close to the UpRider, narrowly avoiding a collision. Fortunately, luck was on the UpRider’s side as the police notice the vehicle disobeying the give way sign and intervened. This incident serves as a reminder that road rules apply to all, ensuring the safety of every road user.

Caught in the act - 6 months ago
 Why do you record your ride?

What happened prior to this incident and why do you record your ride? 

Prior to the incident, the vehicle did not stop at give way and nearly caused a collision. I record my rides because I have had a couple of incidents with vehicles and many more near misses. I ride 600km per week so my chances are higher than most riders of an incident.

What do you think about UpRide?

When do you feel most vulnerable as a cyclist?

I feel most vulnerable as a cyclist during my daily commute to and from work.

What do you think are the most important things that can be done to improve safety for cyclists on the road?

What do you think are the most important things that can be done to improve safety for cyclists on the road

Implementing measures such as education, stricter penalties, and better enforcement of rules are crucial steps toward improving cyclist safety on the road.

  What is your advice for other cyclists?

What do you think about UpRide?

I think UpRide is a great platform for cyclists to use.

Want to share your story?

What is your advice for other cyclists?

I would recommend other cyclists to get Cycliq cameras!

What do you think about UpRide?

Want to share your story?

We’d love to hear from you. If you would like to share your stories and experience as a cyclist please reach out to the UpRide team.

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