Was riding South on Highway 22 from Cochrane. Oncoming truck decided to pass very aggressively
Incident type: Truck
This truck driver had no intension of waiting for it to be clear to pass. Dangerous and life threatening!
I, and all traffic, came to a stop to allow an emergency vehicle to enter traffic. Once it was clear, we all started to move. The Ford PIckup decided to pass me very close. Unfortunately, my Fly12 did not record what happened after they passed me. They came even closer and hugged the curb. Fortunately, they didn’t brake check me or roll coal. Just another person who does not know how big a Ford F-150 is.
The Mac’s Lawn service truck passing intetionally close to cycling group
This video was shared and reported to the local police department in Rye, NH, who advised that video evidence was insufficient and it was unclear if the car was within the required distance. The local police department stated that the only way they could take action was (1) if I had video of being hit by a vehicle, or (2) They witnessed the pass themselves.
The driver of the truck honked his horn, did not leave the necessary distance, and passed when a car was coming head on.
Westbound on Cromwell Dr in Norfolk. The black Ford closely passed 3 cyclists then proceeded to pass the next 3 even closer, almost hitting one with his mirror and nearly having a head on collision with oncoming traffic. Plate number VA TWP-8352
Driver did not slow down, nor move to one side. Just kept driving.
Road rag pass attempt to run me off the road during a ride.
On the plus side, the driver did stop before entering the intersection. On the negative, he failed miserably by stopping way past the stop bar and halfway in the crosswalk.