To close… Unlawful use of Horn

While riding in a single formation, a truck driver honked his horn to startle us as he passed by. He maneuvered his vehicle exceedingly close to us, despite the fact that we were utilising the emergency lane for safety.

Close pass by a commercial truck

This “professional” driver could care less about the cyclist and his safety as he passed so close and without slowing down.

Let’s buzz the cyclist

Starting from the red light, where I was stopped just ahead of the first truck. Both the truck next to me at the light and the one behind him passed very close.

cycleways are for parking….

When people start leaving their cars and trucks wherever they like. Preferably on cyclepaths, as where they are obligated to park on the streets and leave passage for cyclists.

Truck close pass

Doing a regular Saturday morning club ride and were passed very close by a truck in a 70 km/h multi-lane roadway. Adjacent lane was free yet truck driver made no attempt to pass at a safe distance. You will notice later in video that a car and truck d0 pass safely.

Close pass – known dangerous bend

A close pass from an Aphrodite Swimming Pools truck immediately before a known dangerous bend within the British Sovereign Bases and on a popular cycle route.

Close pass

The truck approached from behind. It was clear in the rear camera that it was on the centre line. But as it passed me on the corner it cut the corner sharp, coming far to close to me.

White Pickup Too Close

Two lane road approaching a pedestrian island and crosswalk. Bike lane begins AFTER the island. White pickup approaches from rear (it seems) quicker than 35 mph speed limit. Does not pause and squeezes through by end of island.

Close pass by truck-trailer.

Truck had plenty of lane to pass with no oncoming traffic. He/she decided to cut it unsafely close.

Cooper City, FL Utility Department truck (front view)

This truck went to pass me and came close to hitting me so that he could get to the STOP sign. Once this video posts, will contact the Utility Department to report this.