Intentionally close pass by a Lexus SUV.

Stupidity or ignorance less than 5 minutes apart two unsafe passes, one coming to a stop in a 20mph zone, I was doing 20, the small SUV just needed to pass me, Down the road again both racing for the light went in front to only cut two lanes to make a right, could have just gone behind.

May 16, 2021 11:16 am. Sunday Bakery ride with the B Fast Group. As we approached the stop sign we noticed an oncoming vehicle had stopped. An SUV passed and swerved in front of us barely missing the riders behind me. Then rolled through the stop sign and sped off. Gratefully, no one was injured. In Florida, it is the law that vehicles must give cyclists three feet of room when passing.

Une voiture en délit de fuite après m’avoir frôlé a brûlé un feu rouge.

Impatient driver passes too close. I approached him and suggested that he leave one meter clearance while passing a bicycle. His opinion was that bikes must be ridden in a bike lane, not on the road.

I was riding in the shoulder (not a designated bike lane here) southbound on Mountain View Blvd approaching Hwy 7. The driver of a dump truck behind me was courteous enough to stay back until the road split into two lanes before taking to the left lane and passing me. The driver of a silver Nissan Pathfinder was not so courteous and passed me closer than the 3-feet of space they’re legally required to give me. You can see from the video that they actually brushed the white line before and after they passed me so I guess I was lucky enough to get as much room as I did!

Driver overtakes close despite the road ahead not being clear. Very impatient driver.