Driver can’t wait 6 seconds until he moves his car in a 200 m long narrow street section with speed limitation. Two car’s don’t fit side by side here, but he can squeeze his SUV next to a bike. Doesn’t feel so tight went you are sitting as a single person in a car for 5.

Group of cyclists in left filter lane to turn left. 4WD drives through cycle lane between left turn lane and lane continuing ahead. Squeezes between cyclist and traffic island to get through lights once they change green.2

Single lane direction traffic flow. Group of cyclists in single file. SUV overtakes another SUV while heading towards the cyclists.

Close pass

This was a close pass in the Mandarin area of Jacksonville, FL. I even caught up to the drive at the next intersection.

A jerk in a Acura SUV, on a completely open road, blares his horn and though there are no approaching cars in the other lane, makes a close pass. You can see that we are all on the fog line with very little shoulder available to us.

Intentionally close pass by a Lexus SUV.

Stupidity or ignorance less than 5 minutes apart two unsafe passes, one coming to a stop in a 20mph zone, I was doing 20, the small SUV just needed to pass me, Down the road again both racing for the light went in front to only cut two lanes to make a right, could have just gone behind.

May 16, 2021 11:16 am. Sunday Bakery ride with the B Fast Group. As we approached the stop sign we noticed an oncoming vehicle had stopped. An SUV passed and swerved in front of us barely missing the riders behind me. Then rolled through the stop sign and sped off. Gratefully, no one was injured. In Florida, it is the law that vehicles must give cyclists three feet of room when passing.

Une voiture en délit de fuite après m’avoir frôlé a brûlé un feu rouge.