Close pass by tractor and trailer coming in the opposite direction.

On a slow Sunday morning recovery ride we were taking the short climb from Canning Highway up Preston Point Road in Bicton when we were overtaken by a large 4WD, which was close but fine. What was not okay was the significantly wider boat being towed behind the 4WD overtaking through a pinch point in the road.

London taxi driver came from behind and wanted to run me down.

Looks like fun

without looking or indicating anything

In Belgium, we have priority for people comming from the right side. This is also applicable for cyclists, even if they work for the police.
No real harm was done.

Ridiculous attempt by a camper van to pass heading into oncoming traffic then compounds it by attempting a pass on a roundabout!

Ring the bell, the youngster goes for an ollie anyways. He misses and is shown that cyclists can hop as wel.
It was a friendly encounter!

Intentional close pass by Jeep.