I’m walking here

The female walked her dog on a more than six-foot leash. After crossing the street, she was oblivious to her surroundings as she listened to whatever was beaming out of her headphones. The woman not once acknowledged my presence or took any “steps” to control the length of her leash and allow other trail users to pass safely.

Let’s just talk in the middle of the trail

The three men were taking up the entire trail width. None of them moved, despite at least one seeing me approach. They began to move as I was almost on top of them, and only after I said “behind you.”

‘Special’ people

The City of Fremantle has done a lot for cycling in recent years.
Here’s one of the more ‘special’ people enjoying that freedom.

Jay Walking Mob

If you are too busy watching for automobiles the jay walking mob might get you.

Why the beep? Hesitant driver, punishment pass

VW Combi driver for some reason decides change lane to follow me (rather than stay in existing lane and overtake) then follows very closely behind, then honks horn and close-passes me. In rush hour traffic. Only to be caught at the next set of traffic lights. Totally unnecessary – I guess these drivers have main character syndrome.

Won’t bother to report as Swiss authorities don’t accept cycle camera footage. Or dashcam.

Reckless scooter driver

This guy rides at speed everywhere and cuts corners, close passes pedestrians

Mail truck pulls out without looking

Mail truck pulls out without looking

Oblivious Pedestrians Cross Road vs Wrong Way Electric Scooter

Electric Scooter going the wrong way surprises a jaywalking pedestrian.

What went wrong:
1. Electric scooter driver traveling the wrong way down a one-way street.
2. Pedestrian crosses without walk signal.
3. Pedestrian is wearing headphones while crossing intersections cannot hear oncoming traffic.
3. Second pedestrian crosses intersection while reading from his phone.

Pay attention at intersections

35 mph e-scooter pass

I was planning on moving into left-turn lane, so checked rear-view mirror and saw two cars. A second glance before switching lanes revealed this fast e-scooter about to pass me with no warning or noise and shifting out of the green bicycle lane! Notice he maintains his speed behind the second car – in the bike lane again.

Just stay to the right!

This is part of a park road, which is also very popular with cyclists, runners, and pedestrians. It has become more common for runners to not only run with headphones, which reduce ambient noise and awareness but also disregard common safety practices. In FL, the pedestrian/runner must stay on the left side of the roadway and walk/run on the shoulder of the oncoming traffic. This runner was not only in the middle of the road, he was completely unaware of his surroundings and, despite yelling “on your left,” continued to veer to the left, almost causing me to go off of the road.