Impatient taxi driver overtakes and cuts in front on blind bend of steep uphill private housing estate access road. Fortunately no other vehicle coming other way.

Speed pedelec going for a non-existing gap. Just ring the bell/use the horn and pass safe!

Riding along a single track public road I saw a large Tractor towing a trailer coming the other way. Luckily there was a safe area to pull into. The tractor driver made no attempt to slow down. I was absolutely astonished to notice he was talking on a mobile phone held to his right ear in his right hand. Not only illegal, but really dangerous. No number plate was visible on either tractor or trailer.

the slow taxi splits the group, then a jeepney stops in front of us

Driver of RV allegedly violates RCW 46.61.110 by failing to pass vulnerable road user at a safe distance

Covered my own light for a few seconds

Tractor and trailer near pass on single track road with no escape routes

Riding close to Disney area , a Airbnb drive, It passed us at high speed, causing its turbulence to put us in danger of falling

It is very dark here. When I cover my own light, you cannot see the left cyclist at all.
To all cyclists: use decent lights so you are visible to other road users.