red light runner

Roxbury, United States

26 Jun, 2023 - 2 years ago - on Melnea Cass Boulevard

riding home after a late night at work. traveling with my backpack which weighs about 40lbs. I have the green light and a work truck was slowing down for the red light. then see the car next to the truck's spacing was shrinking faster then it should have if the car was braking. I ride a fixie with no brakes and being that my bag was heavy I knew I couldn't beat the car so I had to pull a hard left but with my bag it still carried me over the cobblestone medium and I pulled a diagonal to the outside lane as fast as possible narrowly escaping. I'm surprised she even slowed down at all.

Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
26/06/2023 05:13AM
Incident type
Close call
Location of incident
Melnea Cass Boulevard, Roxbury, Massachusetts 02119, United States