Range Rover Passes and proceeds to execute a classic RIGHT HOOK

Lone Tree, United States

17 Dec, 2024 - 2 months ago - on South Yosemite Street

Range Rover passed me approaching an intersection and at the last second turned on their blinker while still in the 'left lane' causing me to lock up my rear wheel to prevent a collision.

"In Colorado, if a bicycle is going straight and a car is turning right, the bicycle has the right of way, as long as the cyclist is in a designated bike lane or riding in a position that allows them to continue straight through the intersection; the car driver must yield to the cyclist making a straight movement.."

Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
17/12/2024 03:42PM
Incident type
Close call
Location of incident
South Yosemite Street, Lone Tree, Colorado 80237, United States