Minor collision at Hatton Garden / St Cross St intersection

London, United Kingdom

24 Sep, 2024 - 5 months ago - on Kirby Street

On 24 September 2024, at approximately 8:14 AM, I was involved in a minor collision at the intersection of Hatton Garden and St Cross Street in London. As I was cycling along Hatton Garden, a black KIA (license plate LN74VZA) suddenly pulled out from St Cross Street on my left-hand side. The driver failed to give way and continued into my path, leaving me with insufficient time to come to a complete stop despite my attempts to brake. Consequently, my front tyre made contact with the car's rear right wheel.
It's worth noting that while the road conditions were wet, it was not raining at the time of the incident. This likely increased my braking distance.
Fortunately, the outcome was not severe. I sustained no apparent injuries, and a preliminary check of my bicycle showed no visible damage, although I plan to have it thoroughly inspected. The driver did stop after the incident, and we had a brief conversation.
While this incident resulted in no significant harm or damage, it's important to emphasise that the potential for a more serious outcome was present.

Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
24/09/2024 08:14AM
Incident type
Location of incident
-24 Kirby Street, Camden, London, EC1N 8TS, United Kingdom