I know for shure some people got their driving license for free

Geel, Belgium

17 Dec, 2024 - 2 months ago - on Winkelomseheide

Sometimes I wonder where and how some people have gotten their driving license.
The little grey van passed me, probably, hopelfully seeing my Cycliq Fly6 Pro flashing?
But no. He braked, turned right, stopping on the cycleway, probably wondering what that red lane was about???
You would think me with my flashing Fly12 Sport would encourage him not to stop on my bikelane.... Guess again....

Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
17/12/2024 02:17PM
Incident type
Close pass/Bad driving
Location of incident
Winkelomseheide 34, 2440 Geel, Antwerp, Belgium