Backup Hit

1 month ago...more

Motorist pulls into right lane and stops at red light. Then right blinker is put on and it becomes apparent that the motorist would like to back into a parking spot. While checking traffic to see if I can get out of the way, the motorist reversed into me injuring my hand. The motorist said "Why are you not in a crosswalk? I was going to park the car and I didn't even see you. I had my blinker on and you were not in any mirrors." The question about the crosswalk is strange as it sounds like she is suggesting that bicyclists should not bicycle on the road. The explanation is plausible because I saw her check her side mirrors, but not look out the rear window. If I could see her head then she could have seen me if she had looked out the rear window or rear view mirror. There was a bus that pulled up behind me so I was trying to escape to the side, but I was not quick enough to evade the crash. As always, assume that bicyclists are invisible and ride defensively.

Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
13/08/2024 05:17PM
Incident type
Location of incident
y Chelsea Street, Charlestown, Massachusetts 02128, United States