1) van using the cycling lane in the corner
2) van not leaving any space
3) small car going full gass & making sudden corners

Van came on very fast, and tried to “encourage” me to go faster on this very narrow road.

Cars are happily giving me lots of room when they pass, Community First mini bus decided not to give any room and nearly hit me with their wing mirror. There was plenty of room to go onto the other side of the road but they decided not to.

Parked up on ‘wrong’ side of the road, doing some strange manoevring when I first saw him. No indicators.
Waits for me to commit to passing the parked vehicles and then pulls out, still without indicating.
Keeps coming, and then has a go at me!

With little to no traffic on a Sunday morning a van driver is either too lazy to give me room or too stupid to know that they are required by law to give me room. Maybe both!

Oncoming traffic overtaking parked vehicles and giving vulnerable road users insufficient space .

Impatient to get around the cyclists DP14 VYE overtakes without awareness for oncoming cyclist. Followed by SG13 PXC. It was a rainy day and I had cars close behind me.

On a quiet residential background, a van driver from Utility Warehouse drives towards me at speed while making a very offensive hand gesture

I was approaching a red traffic light, as the first vehicle. The van in question, decided it was a good idea to get in front of me. He pulled alongside me and then cut in, making me have to break quickly so I didn’t hit him.
When I then questioned him about it, he looked at me as though he hadn’t even registered I was there.
Apologies for my bad language, I was shocked and annoyed.

White van man – Risking cyclist and a head on!