No adverse weather conditions. Driver in a hurry to get to work because a couple of hundred metres further on he turned off the road onto a building site.

On narrow back lane, driver continues at full speed towards group of cyclists. Didn’t even take his foot off the accelerator.

White van man tried to pass me with oncoming traffic.

Driver was given the option of points on license or a driver awareness course.

Typical Lancashire close pass at speed, with the Fairclough-Woodruff of Caton, Lancaster, van staying in the left lane throughout. In addition the vehicle’s MOT had expired, and was therefore illegally on the road. Time on the video is GMT. Lancashire Constabulary will, as always, ignore both offences.

Cycling out of Much Hadham, High Street an idiot thought it would be funny to drive at me 🤬

I was proceeding along the A48 towards a Crossroad, Church Road to my left and Station Road to my Right. The Van pulled up to the stop line at Station Road, he stopped and I can only imagine he did not notice me travelling along the A48. The van crossed my path forcing me to slow down until my path was clear.

Close pass. No reasonable distance given during the overtake, and with another car oncoming!

Close Pass at Speed by Driver of Silver Ford Transit van Reg FP09 AHD with black stripes on front, on brow of hill on Malletsheugh Road, Glasgow .
Road is effectively single track road – no drop in speed no indicator use. A driver who drove without reasonable consideration for other persons using the road and who drove this van on a road in a manner that falls below what would be expected of a competent and careful driver.
Vehicle make FORD
Date of first registration May 2009
Year of manufacture 2009
Cylinder capacity 2198 cc
Fuel type DIESEL
Vehicle status Taxed
Vehicle colour SILVER
Vehicle type approval N1
Date of last V5C (logbook) issued 15 September 2023

While on a charity ride, a driver for the HVAC company 6 & Fix made a very close pass while also tailgating the vehicle in front (which was giving me ample space).