Sometimes I wonder where and how some people have gotten their driving license.
The little grey van passed me, probably, hopelfully seeing my Cycliq Fly6 Pro flashing?
But no. He braked, turned right, stopping on the cycleway, probably wondering what that red lane was about???
You would think me with my flashing Fly12 Sport would encourage him not to stop on my bikelane…. Guess again….
Incident type: Van
The van driver, who resembled the one from Amazon, passed by very closely to me. The driver didn’t take any steps to give me more room.
Very close call by green van, did not slow down. Wing mirror on Drivers left side was close to my head!
Close pass by the white van as he just blindly followed another vehicle. No action by Dorset Police for this one.
Head on close pass on narrow road by blue van. Van was going at considerable speed on narrow lane. Male driver had the time to slow down and give more room. He didn’t lift off the throttle and went passed at considerable speed and very close.
Routine illegal crossing of double white lines on a humped, blind bridge while overtaking a cyclist- the offence is common in both directions and will eventually lead to a collision. It’s only the absence of cyclists which is preventing them. I haven’t reported this, as there are already many ‘on police files’.
And this is where I leave my car. Take it or leave it. I park here.
One van passing by very close and very fast. Followed by a car with an excellent driver at the wheel. Showing it is possible to drive normal, at a safe distance and at an appropriate speed for overtaking traffic.
3 lane road, completely devoid of all traffic except 2 cyclists in the left lane. The video clearly shows a van travelling quite well in the middle lane until something in their brain thinks that giving us a close shave is a good idea. This has been reported to the authorities as well.
Terrifying close pass along with clearly illegal crossing of the double unbroken white line by the driver of Blackpool Boiler Installations black Renault Trafic van. I have written ‘it was dismissed’ even though I have just sent the report because there’s never any response from the malevolently anti-cyclist police officers in Lancashire. This is a deeply unpleasant police force!