Today’s ignorant driver is 1HFL899 who blows through the red signal despite 2 cyclists crossing and the following driver tooting them for running the red light. The other cyclist seems to think that the helmet dangling from the handle bars offers adequate protection.
Incident type: Ute
TH94WA charges into the intersection without checking that they are on a red signal. He does have the decency to stop, most people just try to keep ploughing through.
This intersection is a major pedestrian/bicycle access way between Hamilton Hill and South Beach.
Minimal traffic, 4WD did an appropriate overtaking manoeuvre but deliberately cut back in at high speed to within a metre. There was no oncoming traffic. Completely unnecessary
What can you say about someone who goes onto the wrong side of the road and a traffic island, over double white lines, because they won’t wait 3 seconds to overtake safely or legally
Quiet morning on Anzac and not many cars. Why did this driver elect to come so close to me. Only one reason he hates cyclists.
I was lucky enough to have a side path to pull over. Other than myself, there was no evidence of any human activity on the path as I continued westward at night.
I was travelling on Speech House Road in the Forest of Dean past the Dilke Hospital when I was passed by a Utility Vehicle they were less than an arm’s length distance, squeezing between me and an oncoming car.
The Hampton Road bus lane is for busses, bicycles and taxis only. A pair of ego truck drivers feel that the rules that everybody else abides by don’t apply to them. The first ego truck has the plate UFC while the second appears to have no plates at all!
Don’t know what Scooter was thinking, but this was a completely unnecessary close pass coming up a red light.
Close pass by driver who was too busy waving to his buddy to give the cyclist space. This is a popular cyling hill climb from Avdimou to Pachna.