1GSF441 thinks coming up to a busy intersection is a great time to fire off a few quick texts.
Incident type: Ute
Eve Services utility vehicle registration 820 IP8 unnecessary close pass
I was riding home in light traffic & this vehicle, owned by a local cleaning company, decided he didn’t need to use the right hand lane despite having no excuse not to.
Black Mercedes ute 1HKY 839 deliberately and illegally pulled out from side road as I was passing and turned wide with corner of car aimed directly at me and turned just enough to avoid hitting me and I braked to a stop and clipped out. Male driver yelled something inaudible (probably illiterate 🙂 at me
Dual lane carriage way and the driver decides to cut in to our lane without giving sufficent room to try and intimidate us
Ute driver passed within about 50cm to overtake while entering a roundabout.
This 20 second video illustrates what cycling in Lancashire is like: crazed nutter drivers who all know that there’s no possibility of Lancashire Constabulary taking action over just about any traffic offence- still less an offence against a cyclist. The first part is a close pass by white BMW HX21 SVT- this is accompanied by a loud blast of the horn which seems to me to originate from the BMW. If it did, I don’t know the reason- possibly just anger that a cyclist is on the road. Or the horn could have been wielded by another similar type of driver in the oncoming black Audi DA12 UEC. Then, to cap it all black Nissan Navara MT17 YBJ executes an alarming close pass. I haven’t reported the incident to the police
Guy had to pass me before the oncoming car got to us.
Black RAM gets stuck behind small white car who was waiting for a safe opportunity to pass us. Once the white car had passed by safely the black ute swerves at us when passing.
It’s clear that tradies write their own road rules. 1GJB ignores the ‘No U Turn’ sign to make a dangerous turn.