I was lucky enough to have a side path to pull over. Other than myself, there was no evidence of any human activity on the path as I continued westward at night.
Incident type: Ute
I was travelling on Speech House Road in the Forest of Dean past the Dilke Hospital when I was passed by a Utility Vehicle they were less than an arm’s length distance, squeezing between me and an oncoming car.
The Hampton Road bus lane is for busses, bicycles and taxis only. A pair of ego truck drivers feel that the rules that everybody else abides by don’t apply to them. The first ego truck has the plate UFC while the second appears to have no plates at all!
Don’t know what Scooter was thinking, but this was a completely unnecessary close pass coming up a red light.
Close pass by driver who was too busy waving to his buddy to give the cyclist space. This is a popular cyling hill climb from Avdimou to Pachna.
Toyota Land Cruiser, YKL-38P failed to maintain 1.5m minimum passing distance on State Circle, which has a 70km/h speed limit.
intentional close pass
Ego truck driver is not content to drive around with his high beams on in the face of other road users, he has a whole bank of extra bright lights to make up for other short comings in his personal life.
1GJR127 thinks a great place to overtake is around a blind corner, almost squeezing me against the curb in the process. I don’t have a horn so I just yell and curse.
Routine Lancashire hostile close pass- oncoming lane full of traffic so pass cyclist anyway. Lancashire Constabulary just laughs at these and refuses to reply. Not reported. Time on the video is GMT