Only just exited my driveway and was intending to turn right whan I spotted the black ute approaching at speed in my mirror. Made my right turn signal well in advance of the intersection and my right arm was still stuck out at right angles when this clown came so close I had to pull my arm down.

If I hadnt moved left, he would have hit me for sure

Impatient driver that is frantically flashing and horning us to move out of the way

Close pass and intimidate us on his reckless driving

Can do U-turns everywhere with a 4wd

I think this driver just assumed I was going a lot slower than I was. Didn’t take the time to make a sensible judgement before pulling out.

Happily riding early Sunday and get a horn blast then a gob full of abuse apparently for occupying too much of the road. Too busy to wait but enough time to argue. Go figure. Got a problem with hate this guy.

Punishment pass this morning 9th of February 2022. Toyota Landcruiser coming very close. No need at all with a clear wide road and no oncoming traffic.

Mr DKY62U couldn’t wait the less than 5 seconds for me to get through the roundabout, so he decided to over it and close pass me on the way out.

Out for a small group ride on a straight, single track road an oncoming pickup accelerated and passed us with millimeter clearance.

After a stoplight, driver needlessly close passes me.