A pickup truck intentionally passed the group at a very close distance. The truck cam within inches of one rider in the group.

A pair of tradies from Complete Electrical Commercial Services pull a meticulous U-turn around a ‘No U-turn’ sign, all while the driver is on his phone.
Great advertising guys!

New Jersey has a 4 foot law. Obviously, this driver doesn’t know about it or disregards it.

VERY close pass, trailer nearly got me off the bike

Afternoon ride on a somewhat busy road. Everyone else seemed to manage just fine, except this idiot. Felt pretty close at the time, tram lines (set to 3 feet) later confirmed it.

Two-lane, state highway 61 with smooth, somewhat wide shoulder ‘lane’. Large pickup truck with wide mirrors stayed in my lane because of an on-coming car. You can see other cars passing me moved over, which is usual in this area. I’m lucky I wasn’t ‘taking the lane’ because that mirror would have been my downfall.

Rather than slow slightly to avoid the pinch point, the truck driver chose to squeeze between me and a pedestrian refuge island. Even then, they could have chosen to go closer to the island, which would have given me at least another half metre of space.

This driver passed way too close on this residential street, which is also a designated bike route.