Why wait to pass, if you can just cut people off with your trailer?

This driver passed me too close.  MN law specifies that a motorist can pass a cyclist in the opposite lane when there are dual yellow lines if it is safe to do so.

These kids thought they were being really funny revving their engine at me (for no reason) on Wildwood Lane, Lugoff, SC on February 16, 2020. So much fun they did it twice!

After having just turned onto this road, an impatient driver of a high speed BMW SUV decided our lives were not worth 5 seconds of his time to wait to pass.

This was my wifes first experience with a close pass.

Too Close.  Too fast.

Waited for a car to bad for me.

Closed lane with traffic control.  We cyclists had a lollipop person with a “SLOW” sign, and the opposing traffic had the “STOP” sign.

Clearly he didn’t care.  And furthermore, when confronted with oncoming cyclists, didn’t think stopping was a good idea either.

Was reported to police.  Not sure what happened.

Cruising along when a Mercedes sped past me and cut me off. I yelled.