Car failed to give way when turning right across traffic – bike had to break to avoid collision

Moving along Woodlands Road coming up to the traffic light at the junction Woodlands Road and Senja Way, a white Toyota Harrier license plate SKV3487M made a point of passing as close to me as possible in a manner that would have cost the driver his/her driving license in most countries, but this is apparently a very common thing in Singapore and the drivers committing these offenses never seem to be reported, caught and dealt with.

just an impatient white suv lady driver in waterdown. watch out – there are hundreds of them

Dangerous close pass on a blind corner by White Kia on A322 in Surrey.

Driver cut me off in order to turn onto roadway. Extremely close pass. I later called the police and they said they couldn’t do anything after the fact. Apparently I should have called when it happened even though the driver was long gone.

Rather than lose a few seconds to the cars in front, the driver of the Lexus chose to pass close to me then momentarily runs off the road. All the other drivers in the line of traffic passed at a respectful distance. In NSW, Australia the minimum passing distance in a 100k zone is 1.5m.

Volvo driver trying to overtake on narrow road with oncoming traffic. Full on road rage, We refused to allow pass by staying in the middle of our lane. Local police watched footage and paying a visit to the driver. He won’t charged but will be “educated” about rider rights to the road.
As a follow to my previous post with the orange Chevy Blazer running me and the oncoming ambulance off the road, my Cycliq footage allowed the police to ticket that driver, add 3 points to his driving record. FTW!

Close Pass Jinker