Squeezed towards the curb by passing car.

First car in line goes. Second vehicle hesitates, then accelerates quickly to get through while blocking the view of the vehicle behind them. Second vehicle cuts me off while third vehicle blindly follows but sees me just in time and slams on the brakes and steers to the left, sliding on the wet concrete. I was also wary of just such an event and stopped as well.

Almost hit by a driving either not paying attention or not caring.

Myself and a group of other cyclists were heading from Gumeracha SA, towards Cudlee Creek. A number of classic cars in town for the Bay to Birdwood Classic were approaching from the other direction. As we approached a right hand bend at a crest, said clown in the car overtook us, almost colliding with a classic car coming over the crest. If the classic car had been a normal size a collision would have occurred.

Coming up to a stop sign with a “pork chop” right turn divider, a driver from the cross street coming from the right cuts inside the divider to turn left heading right towards me.

Descending a steep hill in Yorkshire after watching the Women’s Elite World Championship race, and a car was parked up on a blind corner out of view – the hill was 17-20% in gradient and I was going pretty quick. Luckily the grass hedge was soft enough …

this car moved so fast I couldn’t even see the plate and he never left the lane. see how close he is to the white line where I was riding.

What does an impatient bus driver of the number 630 do when he cannot on could not wait to get past two cyclists?

Close-pass then hold them up 100m down the road. #facepalm

The car was too close, and the trailer was even closer. The spare wheel contacted handle bars.

Peaceful ride interrupted by Perth driving at its finest.

Any advice on sending this to the WA Police?