Incident type: Motor vehicle
license 50862A3
Rolling at around 22mph, I approached a vehicle backing out of a driveway. The driver presumably saw me and stopped momentarily thus indicating that he would wait for me to pass before proceeding. The driver could not wait another 5 seconds for me to pass and butted out in front of me which required a sudden stop. He then sped away in classic small appendage fashion.
BMA drives flatly through stop sign and busy crosswalk.
Cycling on cycle path, I had a green light to cross the junction. Van decided to jump red light, I braked as hard as could but just hit the side of his van. No damage. Driver had an eye problem and was driving with only one eye and one hand on the steering wheel.
Van driver may have seen me and after a rolling stop proceeded, but missed the child biking to his left and denied it all
Riding about as far right as I could, especially to avoid an upcoming sewer grating, and this person passes so close that I felt the side mirror graze my shoulder. And then turns into a drive way no more than a few hundred feet further to drop off a passenger – glad the tool saved a few seconds getting to his destination.
The driver can clearly see my bicycle, which had my red rear light on and a bright colored helmet, but nearly drives into me anyway. Wouldn’t it be better if these people were stopped before their negligence kills someone?
Riding through my neighbourhood on Diddams Street, haha, when the driver of the SUV either didn’t see me , despite the light from my fly 12 , or the car was being ‘ driven ‘ by the passenger by voice, but luckily no harm done to me. Whew:-)
Cycling home today when a driver came up behind me, overtook me and turned right in front of me. Driver had no idea that she was supposed to give way to me.