Nearing the bottom of an 8km descent, an enthusiastic dog ran onto the road to greet us and it nearly ended in disaster at 60kmh

A pair of Dachshunds were enjoying the sun with one lying on the road. The one on the road decides that I’ve got to be told who’s in charge. I’ve been along this road a lot but have never seen this pair out on the road before.
Don’t worry, the vehicle following me avoided the dogs.

Dog sprint. Tired him out, so he didn’t have it in him to chase my mates.

Dog came running from the white farmhouse right into the road with intent to attack. This guy did not appear to be playing, he continued to chase. Fortunately, I was able to get away.

Dog came running from the farmhouse into the road with apparent intent to chase. When I shouted “NO!” and “SIT”!!! he hesitated and run back. I was able to avoid the collision and/or dog bite.

Gentle commute back home and little woofer thinks he is off the scream movies lol.

I ride for exercise and enjoyment. I live in a rural area and enjoy riding the country roads fairly close to my home. I had ridden this particular road and area many times before and never had encountered this or any other dog. When the dog gets close, I squirt it in the face with water from my water bottle. Just a small squirt that hit it right in the face. That’s when it stops chasing. It was looking at my leg when it got close so I think it was going to bite. No way to really know, though.

Big dog runs in my direction. I have blocked the wheel to avoid collision.
Seems he just wanted to play but that kind of dog can be very aggressive