Dog came out of nowhere. He is not even visible from the front camera as he bolts out the gate, leaving a cloud of dust in his wake. I initially thought he was going to collide with the bike. Fortunately, I have a mirror on the bike and I had just checked it so knew there were no cars close behind me, allowing me to move into the lane a bit.

I encountered a very aggressive pit bull on a ride. I hit the dog solidly, but managed to stay on the bike. Front view shows the dog attacking and me being jarred sideways from the impact. The rear view shows I hit the dog hard enough to throw him off the road, yet he and another continued to chase for nearly 10 seconds.

dogs like cyclists

These two were on the hunt. Little man was going in for the kill, but his owner’s screams finally got through to him

I was riding on a back country road when out of know where a dog was chasing me. I did not see it coming!