The dog runs a good quarter mile away from it’s owners.

These people always have their dog off leash here…

This is not an off leash area. Control your dog!

Off Leash Dog park is in another area of the park

Bells and Saying to move don’t work. He’s also a repeat offender.

Listen to the bell and me talking people.

Thankfully it had a leash

As I was passing a runner and his dog, the dog began moving into my path. Thankfully, the dog was friendly and retreated back to its owner upon their call. A few moments later, I was coming around a corner and encountered a couple walking in the middle of the path. I called passing but they didn’t move until the last second. Sorry, no sound on the video.

First day of riding after the New Year, Dogs are already waiting to chase you down (great coach on sprinting). A little bit of water from the bottle just shocked them.

Off Leash Dog in TCAAP 12-15-2023. Leashes are required in this area.