1EZA321 No police response

80 kph road, this driver lined my up & missed my elbow by millimetres.

I fouund our weeks later the police chose to ignore it.

Lockdown Boy Racers

Boy racers taking what was almost certainly not a necessary journey during the Covid lockdown. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such frightening speed on a suburban road. Police couldn’t follow up because it was going too fast, in poor light, for my camera to read the reg. The timestamps on my vids were also incorrect (one because of the hour change) so that may also have been a problem.

HSS008 – shocker of a pass – 80 zone too

Beckman Rd Tewantin – intentional and malicious close pass by Orange Commodore

Two Close for comfort!

1st Car – Too Close

2nd Car – Much better

3rd Car – Also Too Close

Impatient driver

Impatient driver overtook us clipping the island kerb while passing me. He then proceeded to do the same to the group in front of us narrowly missing them coming up to the Preston Point Rd / Wauhop Rd roundabout.

Close Pass at Intersection

Car passed me too close at an intersection.  Rode into a small pothole due to it.

Close Pass

Roundabout pass by

Roundabouts confound Perth drivers but I never cease to be amazed at the need to push past then turn off

Clear Road Close Pass at Speed

I 􏰆as c􏰋cling along the A540 Telegraph Road at 07:18hrs heading for Hes􏰆all, there 􏰆as ver􏰋 little traffic on the road 􏰆hen I 􏰆as passed ver􏰋 closel􏰋 and at speed b􏰋 a black Jaguar XF registration UPR1L.

Stroking a large inflatable penis