Bully boy driver makes an illegal close pass then pulls into service station close ahead. Maybe he wanted to apologize for the close pass but turned out he wouldn’t talk to me. Turned his back instead and played with his phone (with the engine still running), pretending I wasn’t there, just like a naughty little boy.

Dear drivers, when a rider is using the road there is NO room left in the lane for a motor vehicle to legally share it with a bicycle rider.
If drivers wish to overtake they must change lanes to pass, just like they do when passing every other slower moving vehicle, to give safe a distance to the vehicle being overtaken. This is not rocket science.

If a rider is riding in the centre of the lane, it means he has been close passed too many time by lawbreaking drivers and any vehicles wanting to overtake will have to change lanes to pass or wait until its safe to do so.

Nice car, not so nice driver. Plenty of room, two lanes, no traffic. Told us at the lights when we caught up with him we shouldn’t be riding two abreast. Ah well, clearly using a different rule book.

Riding in a south easterly direction along Old Bay Road Deception Bay when a Ford Falcon sedan passed too close in a 60 km/h zone

Riding in a south easterly direction along Old Bay Road Deception Bay an XR6 turbo driver obviously frustrated about having to wait a few seconds had to show his muscle as he passed me at what I estimate less than 1 metre in an 80 km/h zone.

I’m doing over 25mph. Perhaps they thought bikes don’t go very fast – or perhaps they just didn’t look properly.

Why even bother trying to overtake when you’re approaching cars stopped at a red light?