This bus driver came up alongside me and then put his left indicator on, moving left and pushing me into parked cars. I hit the brakes and bailed out. Normally id stop and get his name to report him but I was on my way somewhere
Incident type: Bus
Riding SB on SE 52nd St preparing to turn E on SE Duke. They recently redid this intersection and added bike lanes on SE Duke. Because of the bike lanes, more room is needed for vehicles turning N on SE 52nd. Glad I was over to the right of the lane!
A car, a bus and a taxi cut into our lane dangerously.
The bus was the worst as it was a big vehicle.
A police report have been filed.
Cycling home from my Morning Shift and one of the many School Buses that usually pass me decided not to wait for the Clear Gap on the opposite side of the Road, meaning a Closing Gap as he passes meaning back of Bus was much closer than it should have been.
Impatient bus driver
Very close punishment pass by a bus, who had heaps of room to pass safely. I didn’t have anywhere to go as the bus was squeezing me to the edge of the road as, there was a bus shelter with an un-mountable kerb then a fruit seller had set up steel signboards on the side of the road. Bus wheels are huge and terrifying when right next to your head. If I had stuck out my right little finger, I would have been able to touch the back of the bus at it’s closest point. Reported to Transperth who said that they spoke to the driver about the incident. Took a few days to get my nerve back before I got back on the bike again.
the shadow gave it away…. for the collection of brave passes by the big guys
A bus driver overtook me on a narrow street despite oncoming traffic and at high speed
Another close pass