I came upon the scene after a cyclist had been hit. Seems that the old Porsche 928 that slid off the road either hit the cyclist or was forced off the road by another car. The cyclist was standing and said he was OK, but his bike was smashed up pretty badly.

A motorbike registered plate BMJ2513 went against traffic causing riders to crash. The motorbike was supposed to be on the other side of the road but decided to take shortcut way.  The front recording was uploaded at the same location but different submission because of tiny 50MB upload limit.

The other bike is passing the red light on car trffic jam while I am going through the green light, and making a bell.

On Tuesday 3rd Nov 2020, single female cyclist riding north east (towards city) on Pyrmont Bridge Rd (near intersection of Pyrmont St) gets doored by a parked car.

Unsafe pass causes oncoming cyclist to crash on Trinity Pass Road, Scotts Corner, NY, USA

Riding along like normal then hit an object under a pile of leaves.  Couldn’t avoid it as traffic was in the lane right next to us.

a hit and run on the Synergy ride last Saturday on Sands Road heading south, just north of Bayard Road.
On the video, note the driver starts passing us on the other side of the road, then crosses back over the yellow line as he goes in for the kill
Clipped my upper arm with his mirror, but thankfully no injuries.
The consensus was to report this to police, we did, and the AA county police got witness statements on-site.
The driver is local: Christopher Bradshaw lives on Polling House Rd in Harwood, MD.
Case # 20-732009
MD Plate A239534

My routine ride home and around the bend, not too fast, opposing bike was headed in my lane did not even have time to brake or prevent him.

Expected all riders keep left especially at night when visual is bad but this wasn’t the case.

Riding along Richmond Rd towards the M7 entrance and cat’s eye upset rider with a nice roll for effect.