Towing a trailer without any care for other road users

2 years ago...more

Travelling south out of Bargara, Queensland on Woongarra Scenic Drive, Bargara. Both of us in single file to be fair to the traffic even though it is 6am in the morning. A white Nissan ute, South Australian plates VOT333, that had an aluminium tray back towing a large box trailer slowed then decided to pass us. This was at an intersection (Woongarra Scenic Drive & Breeze Drive) with raised centre and side traffic calming structures. This did nothing to impede his desire to overtake us in what become an ever narrowing piece of roadway. The rider in front of me realising what was to happen moved as far left as he could and was narrowly missed by the towed trailer.

Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
25/01/2023 06:08AM
Incident type
Close pass/Bad driving
Location of incident
Woongarra Scenic Drive, Bargara Queensland 4670, Australia