SUV Driver don’t want to share 3 lanes empty road

3 years ago...more

Out on a workout training ride on Logan Rd, Holland Park West, a Brisbane Suburb in Australia. Riding west toward the city on a 3 lanes road and empty streets as we were on lockdown. A driver of Mitsubishi Triton SUV close pass within a meter from me while I was going about 40km/h on a strong wind. I was riding on far left lane about 1 meter from the kerb to be able to control the bike as there was strong winds pushing the bike on the sides. The person pass intentionally very close within meter, I could see his silhouette looking at his rear view mirror maybe to check what is my response or if I loss control and crash, no need to drive that close as there are 3 lanes and no traffic. Then move his car to the middle lane, stop at the light, I was planning to have a word on the light, but the light changed and he kept driving. I reported to police as I could have lost control and crash, scary and dangeous driving.

Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
08/08/2021 11:32AM
Incident type
Close pass/Bad driving
Location of incident
Logan Road, Holland Park West Queensland 4121, Australia