Close Pass

5 years ago in Bethesda, United States

I was traveling northbound on Macaurthur Blvd NW in Bethesda, MD. After stopping at the light at Macarthur Blvd and Sangamore Rd (00:05), a Silver BMW vehicle with a black hood stopped very close to my wheel (00:14). When the light turned green, I continued northbound on Macarthur Blvd, taking 1/3 of the lane as the shoulder disappeared. The Silver BMW continued northbound behind me, ignoring my presence in the lane, and passed dangerously close (00:24/front, 00:47/rear), making no attempt to provide space for my passage. The pass was slow, within 1 ft. The driver operated his/her vehicle slowly thereafter, actually impeding my travel at a reasonable speed.

Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
04/12/2019 01:00PM
Incident type
Close call
Location of incident
Macarthur Boulevard, Bethesda, Maryland 20816, United States