As we reflect on the last few years of, we are so proud of the community of UpRider’s for posting over 10,000 incidents and together, helping to make cycling safer. With many of our users uploading over 20 incidents to UpRide, we’re glad to see the platform performing its desired task as a cycling safety hub and awareness platform.
Let us introduce our friend AZ.
AZ is based in Singapore. He’s experienced some particularly close calls on his rides. Many of which have occurred in a time when Singapore has had laws that seem favourable to drivers over cyclists. This has resulted in AZ always riding with front and rear cameras.
AZ says that riding on the roads in Singapore under the current laws is worrying without a camera.
Record your ride. Make it count.
Why do you record your ride?
“Safety. I fairly consistently upload to UpRide and also report to the police. I hope seeing these videos helps people understand how vulnerable cyclists can be.”
What do you think about UpRide?
“Easy enough to use, should be a good reference for government officials too. Not sure how much outreach to government UpRide does, but it seems like a trove of valuable data and stories.”
What do you think are the most important things that can be done to improve safety for cyclists on the road?
- Cyclists to be better trained about how to cycle. Sometimes you see cyclists breaking rules, and this does not help our cause.
- Training for drivers. As soon as they get their license they seem to forget that cyclists are humans too.
- Better awareness for drivers on what is legal or illegal for cyclists. Many times drivers are angry because they think we are where we should not.
- Harsher punishment for drivers in Singapore. Here, the law is quite favourable to drivers. Would be good to have laws apply in both directions (current laws are laws for cyclists, and recommendations for drivers).
If reported, what was the reporting process?
“I have reported all incidents to the police. I know they have been submitted but then there is no additional follow up. The process in Singapore is easy, but not sure there is a lot of action behind the reports.”
What is your advice for other cyclists?
“Be aware of your surroundings. Don’t get in a fight. If a driver challenges you, help them understand you are a human trying to get back home safely.”
Thanks for using UpRide AZ!
Want to share your story?
We’d love to hear from you. If you would like to share your stories and experience as a cyclist please reach out to the UpRide team.