Cars will just not wait for cyclists

4 years ago...more

While cycling along the road today on 2 July 2020 heading to town in Caerphilly a black volvo pulls out in front of me. I was turning right at the time. The volvo reg number YR66WLZ was not going to wait. Bearing in mind I had right of way. Some people in cars will just not wait for cyclist. The excuse the driver did not see me is void, as I was wearing high viz jacket and had a daylight in flash mode. People can see the near miss towards the end of the clip. For the record I also drive a car occasionally so am not being biased. SHARE THE ROADS, we are all entitled to use them.

Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
02/07/2020 12:00AM
Incident type
Close call
Location of incident
Pen-Y-Cae, Van, Caerphilly, CF83 3PZ, United Kingdom