UpRide Story: Spinning Out Of Control

An unusual situation on the road quickly turned into disaster when UpRider T encountered a reckless driver who lost control and crashed into a tree. Thankfully, no other cyclists or drivers were nearby, but incidents like this highlight the dangers of unpredictable driving behaviours. It’s a reminder of how quickly things can go wrong, and why it’s crucial to stay vigilant and always have eyes on what’s happening behind you.

Why do you record your ride?

Why do you record your ride?

Just before this incident, the car in question entered the left turn lane right next to me and turned left. I noticed that it seemed like they really went too far to make the left turn and might hit the intersection curb. I realised afterward, however, that they were mainly trying to do a U-turn using the intersection. I didn’t really think much more about it, since I was in a hurry to get where I needed to, but a few seconds later I heard tires squealing and glanced back to see the car doing donuts in the road. Shaking my head, I just went along my way and then a few seconds after that heard a loud crash. I glanced back again but didn’t, at that time, see where the car ended up. It wasn’t until later that I looked at the recording to see what happened. That’s one of the reasons I record my ride, in case something happens where I need the information later. It could be (hopefully not!) a crash I’m involved in, or it could be, as in this case, something where someone does something stupid.

When do you feel most vulnerable as a cyclist?

When do you feel most vulnerable as a cyclist?

I feel most vulnerable on narrow roads when cars are coming up fast behind me. In addition to my Fly6 and Fly12 cameras, I also use a GPS based radar to hopefully give me more awareness of the vehicles around me.

What do you think are the most important things that can be done to improve safety for cyclists on the road?

What do you think are the most important things that can be done to improve safety for cyclists on the road?

I think normalising people riding their bikes would go a long way to changing drivers’ mindsets. While I would love to see more bike infrastructure, I feel that getting drivers to think more about and be more kind to cyclists is, right now, the most important thing we can do to improve safety for cyclists on the road.

What is your advice for other cyclists?

Did you report your incident? What was the reporting process?

I looked to see if I could find where to report the incident but was unable to find a good way to do so. So, alternatively, I uploaded the video both to UpRide and Youtube for future reference with all the relevant information I could remember about it.

What do you think about UpRide?

What do you think about UpRide?

I like the platform. It makes it easy to look around your neighbourhood and see if there are potential problems or recent encounters.

What is your advice for other cyclists?

What is your advice for other cyclists?

Keep your eyes open and pay attention.

Want to share your story?

Want to share your story?

We’d love to hear from you. If you would like to share your stories and experience as a cyclist please reach out to the UpRide team.

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