Another Close pass and chicken run, seems like that kind of weekend.
It looks like the driver -almost- has a clue from the rear camera angle as they start off with a decent passing distance, then then they see the oncoming car and realize they should have waitedto pass, but its too late, so instead of hitting the brakes, they squeeze the cyclist – such horrible driving.
No license plate becasue of the sun and the Ohio Legislature that removed the front plate requirement this year (Thanks for making us less safe Ohio!)

I filter forward and the taxi driver beeped in annoyance at me. He drove close to my rear wheel

The driver of the van passed way too close, and swerved toward me as he got in front of me.

Riding at 25mph I have the green light, my head light and tail lights are on. White van pulls out in front of me without looking and sends me towards oncoming traffic.

Looks like van underestimated speed of oncoming traffic. Still a few hairs left on my leg.