A sports Ute turned left at a round about Infront of a recumbent rider after putting itself next to the rider illegally.

Close pass by a ute in an 80 kph zone. Also shows some pretty poor lane discipline.

Probably missed me by about sixty centimeters.

Following diversions from Perth PSP due to Freeway widening, heading up Elderberry Drive when Ute decided to turn across the front of me.  No traffic in front of me and plenty of time to let me pass the junction before manouvering. Time was just before 6am

Same guy, exactly the same location, 2 months apart

Angry horn beeper – repeat offender.

The attached video shows a usual ‘close pass’ as experienced by many cyclists. The interesting aspect of this situation is that, after being given a traffic ticket by the police for this offence, the driver obviously learnt his lesson and modified his behaviour because, nine days later, the same driver passed me on the same stretch of road at about the same time of day and he passed me so widely, I thought he was going to run off the far side of the road!!

The video shows the first close pass, followed by the later wide pass.

@ lanes, the driver claimed they passed close because “you’re in the middle of the road”. They thought it was funny.


Police did not respond.

80kph road, & the driver flicks my jacket on my elbow.

Police wouldn’t do anything, & blamed me for not being further left.