Just fling the door and jump out, it could be an interesting way to meet a cyclist

both pedestrians don’t stop at the crosswalk and look both directions to make sure traffic has stopped and it is safe to walk, right of way vs might of way

Whilst following a car through a roundabout, the car has unexpectedly stopped in the middle of the road coming out of the roundabout to pick up a pedestrian friend! It was very dangerous as I couldn’t stop behind the car in time and almost hit the pedestrian trying to pass the car.

Pedestrian walks into road without looking. Wakes up when he hears bike brakes squealing. Walks right in front of a car too.
Loads of pedestrians are like this on this road for some reason.

parked car in bike lane on double yellow lines, driver didn’t look and was going to open door.POstie almost steps out and doesn’t look. Car reverses into bike lane and keeps coming!

Pushes a stroller into the bike lane against the light without looking.

Every night, there is a rainbow fountain show at the Jamsu Bridge in Seoul.
You gotta always look out for people taking pictures….