Jogger Incident on Trinity Trails Cycle Path.

“False Spring” came early in North Texas and the trails were dotted with coeds from the two colleges along the trail out running and listening to their tunes with their headphones on. There is a pedestrian trail on the other side of the river. This was the closest call of 4 potential encounters. Each approach I anticipate poor choices by the pedestrian but this case was too close for comfort. Friends at City Hall and Forth Worth PD were notified of the near misses with film footage to verify complaint. City Council will be initiating a communication campaign along the trails, something they need to do every three to four years as the turnover of students hits a critical mass.

Did Someone Say Bike?

Should’ve gone to Specsavers.

Pop-up van man

Cycling northwest on Bury Road, Poole I was passing parked vehicles on each side of the road and when I reached a van parked on the left hand side, the driver appeared from the rear of the vehicle and stepped into my path. I had to shout to stop a collision.

Kind rennt vor Fahrrad, Radfahrer bremst rechtzeitig

So schnell können Unfaälle passieren. Eine kleine Unachtsamkeit und schon kann es gefährlich werden…

Mobile Phone Inattention

Riding in a busy works area with plenty of hazards this man stepped into the road intently staring at his mobile phone. Amazingly despite nearly colliding with me his attention was straight back to the phone whilst still crossing the road!

Perhaps, most useless bike lanes in the UK

These two lanes on Westminster Bridge are always incredibly dangerous, especially the southbound lane, which poses a real hazard for cyclists. Tourists frequently step into the lanes to take photos or selfies without checking for oncoming traffic. The crossing at the end of the video is a particularly problematic area and a constant black spot for incidents. The council should seriously consider segregating the cycle lanes from the pavement, rather than road traffic, to improve safety for both cyclists and pedestrians.

No, no. Just go.

The lights go green and the traffic starts to move.
Great time to cross the road boys!

Jogger running in clearly marked bike PATH collides with cyclist

A jogger running in a clearly marked bike PATH collides with cyclist as the cyclist tries to pass and the jogger randomly switches lanes.

Distracted pedestrian walking in center of dedicated bike PATH while texting on cel phone

A distracted person walking is walking in center of dedicated bike path while texting on their cel phone. They are unresponsive to an oncoming bicyclist ringing their bike bell. The spacious pedestrian sidewalk is 5 feet to the right.

Clueless pedestrian

Cycling down Domain Road, the pedestrian looks up the road and then as I approach he decides to step out into the cycle lane without looking.