A Dangerous Entrance 3

1HKY641 is trying to exit the childcare centre but can only see the oncoming traffic if she commits to blocking the bike lane.
I’m not willing to dodge out into the path of the cars so I make her back up.

Intersection Encourages Bad Driving (near collision)

This intersection encourages bad driving. The motorists fill the intersection and block the box with their vehicles. While navigating the blocked box there is no visibility for others doing the same. A near head-on collision resulted when a motorist was taking a left turn across the intersection while I was proceeding straight through the intersection. The motorist I almost collided with was driving illegally with a missing front license plate. Rear Plate: 6CYR48

Conflict lights, pass on green and still get hit

Dangerous truck exit on the bikelane

De Meuter Recycling

Conflicting conflictfree lights

On green, you’re supposed to be safe.

Truck stopping very late

Always fearing for my life when passing here. Did they see me or not?

Conflict lights

Go through green, still possibility to get hit

Blind Intersection

This is an example of poor trail and intersection design.

Cars don’t look

This is a bad intersection for pedestrians.

risky crossing

The crossing is very risky because cyclists have to ride very far away from the roadway and have to pass a visual obstacle directly before crossing. As a result, they are not seen by turning motorists if they are not looking properly.