The driver just couldn’t wait 8 seconds to let us safely get through the traffic calming device chokepoint.

Riding along in the cycle lane in Perth, heading towards the Left Bank when I ineptly panicked and hit the rear brake when I encountered slippery, crushed berries.

This is no action clip, but while waiting for a green light to cross a busy street in Brisbane, I captured evidence of this large truck, trundling through the light, well after it had turned red. The green pedestrian/bike like is clearly seen. I think the casual wave of the passenger as they bowled past, made me cranky enough to submit it to Holland Park Police Station for action. First reaction was there wasn’t enough proof because I didn’t capture the red light. I decided to follow this up by writing to my Member of Parliament, Minister for Transport and also Minister of Police and that worked. Case was reassigned to a Senior Constable who tracked down owner/driver and issue a Traffic Infringement notice. Although driver wanted to plead not guilty, (due to him only have 3 points left on his licence) after 10 months of pfaffing around, he eventually paid the fine. There’s a certain amount of satisfaction derived from this!

Driver honks to tell cyclist to get over so he can pass. Also you can see the bike on the bike so he apparently rides a bike too?

Even with well marked and green painted bike lanes, sometimes you have nowhere to go.

two idiots (biker and car) coming in a wrong way

Musical cars and tractors on the road today.

A car was sported driving into the pedestrian user tunnel

This motorcyclist harassed our bunch about 7 kilometers prior. He then reappeared and rode amongst the bunch, yelling abuse. This before turning and riding back on the wrong side of the road in the cycle lane.

This view taken from my Fly12CE. There is also a view from my Fly6CE when the motorcyclist narrowly misses a girl in the bunch. I’ll upload that next, in case you can join them.

This is the second part of the video of the nutty motorcyclist who tried to run down our bunch. This taken with my Fly6CE. The video taken with my Fly12CE was submitted earlier. Be good if you can link the two videos.