Watch Them Curbs!

Impatience is not a virtue for this driver.

The Year That Was 2024

A look back at the year that was 2024. This is just a small sample of the over 1500 incidents that were uploaded to UpRide in 2024. Things need to change. We want to raise awareness among drivers that they are being filmed and stop the madness on our roads. So record your ride and keep uploading! Every UpRide means more drivers will start to know there is a good chance they are on camera and think twice before putting a rider’s life in danger. Make your mark on improving cycling safety by posting your footage of any incidents you’ve encountered. When you add to UpRide, everyone benefits.

The Month That Was November 2024

The comfort with which people are willing to threaten the lives of others from the safety of their cars is astounding and depressing in equal measures. This is a tiny selection of videos posted to UpRide during November, 2024, that shows a range of situations where safety was threatened for no good reason.

Cyclist cut off and hit by car

car fails to give way at roundabout

Pathway hit

A slow brunch cycle along pathway when hit by driver going way too fast out of an apartment complex driveway, looking to their right for a gap in traffic to enter the road.
Unfortunately they were also in an unfamiliar car, a borrowed 2-seater sports car, no shoes on and unrestrained dog in the front with them and a passenger.

The matter is with the authorities, injuries of concussion and lots of soft-tissue issues.

Deadly white paint

Was travelling along the bike path after a night of rain. Crossing the white line was a mistake, as my front tire slipped causing it all to come to a crashing stop.

**Note wrong time set on camera at time**

Taken out by scooter. Rider indifferent.

As I rounded the corner travelling down the hill, two scooters were travelling in opposite direction hugging close to the retaining wall on my left side. The first rider adjusted and passed to my right, but the second rider appeared to panic, applied hard breaking, causing her to go over her handlebars, lift the rear wheel, which then swung into my riding line.

I jumped on the breaks hard, and that, combined with their scooter hitting the front of my bike, sent me over my handlebars onto the road, thankfully not impacted by vehicles.

Close Pass Blind Curve Then Hit Me

East bound on Crawford Rd. approaching 377

White Chevy Plate: VHR 0842 passed in a no passing zone seconds before reaching both the elevated railroad tracks and 377 intersection.
The road leading is on a right hand curve where the railroad tracks are elevated reducing visibility.
The Chevy passed within 3 feet of me (the cyclist) in the no passing zone.
Both the car and myself on the bicycle went over the railroad track nearly at the same time.
The vehicle stayed straight, no signal indicators on.
I pulled next to the car and as I was stopping, the car lunged to the right hitting me.

Overtake and left hook

Car passes me while I’m cycling in bus lane and then left hooks.