Left hooked by a little car

Corner cutting

A good example of how many drivers cut this blind 90 degree corner and risk hitting anything coming in the other direction.

Did Someone Say Bike?

Should’ve gone to Specsavers.

Just want to squeeze past here

The driver of the Power Smart Company vehicle (with company details plastered all down the side of his ute) towing a Century Trailer, was just a little bit too impatient. Instead of waiting 2 seconds for the road ahead to clear, he decided to just squeeze on through pushing me off the side of the road and into the gravel. Luckily, I was able to bring the bike back up onto the road instead of going under the wheels of the trailer, although a change of pants were required after the ride.

3 in 90s

3 incidents within 90 seconds. First, white car pulls out from street on left. I couldn’t tell whether they were turning right or going straight ahead. They stopped in the middle of the road when I yelled at them. At next set of lights, close call when oncoming driver turns right in front of me. Along next stretch of road Thompsons bus does a pass too close for comfort. All of this happens within 90s.

Near miss

I was riding through Moonbi, NSW, in a 50kmh zone when an ignoramus overtook me with less than 40cm clearance.

Impatient Motorbike rider overtaking cyclists on footpath

driver not giving way

driver failed to see me turning at the roundabout even with the light flashing