Overtaken closer than 1m on a blind corner by a police car in the Royal National Park

Impatient middle aged man doesn’t appreciate two abreast Mamils taking up his precious seconds.

Made a left turn onto San Pablo Ave. We are clearly in the bike lane. Car slowly drives next to us and crosses the into the bike lane in front of us!

Dangerous crossing for bicycles. Even if the light is green for you and red for them you better wait until all cars are stopped, otherwise there is a big risk to get hit.

Conducteur pressé fait plusieurs dépassements dangereux et très proche du groupe de cycliste.
Le long de cette chaussée très endommagés qui mène à un tunnel et un croisement avec priorité à droite, les cyclistes sont souvent obligés de se mettre au milieu de la file.
De nombreux véhicules roulant dans les 2 sens de cette voie rendent difficile le dépassement lors des sorties de groupe ou individuelles.

An older lady decided that she didn’t need to give my wife and me any room so she didn’t get over or share the lane.  I picked it up on my Fly 6.

Passenger attempted to hit me with the car door going 50 mph.

Very close punishment pass.  What you can’t see in this video, which is looking backwards, is that I had caught up with a lady cyclist, who was in front of me and a bit to my right.  The car passed about 0.5m from me and about 0.2m from her right hand.  I would guess the speed at >90km/h.  We weren’t on a blind corner and the car had just passed another cyclist further down the hill, so would have been aware of us on the road.  Could easily have slowed down and changed lanes to be behind the motorbikes to pass safely.