Le bus s’engage dans le giratoire alors qu’il n’a pas la priorité. Heureusement le cycliste freine à temps pour éviter la collision.

I ride on the edge of the gravel for safety, this school bus passes with about a foot between him and I with no effort to leave 1 meter between us.

Aggressive overtake from ‘Liam’s Bus Hire’ coach 10C44693 as road narrows into crest of a hill. Coach driver has not left sufficient space to pass and pull back in safely, I have to adjust my speed to allow this occur without incident.

The closest pass I’ve experienced. WOW

This bus driver sees me riding on the bicycle lane and ignores the clearly marked bicycle path, because of oncoming bus. The only correct thing to do was to wait and let me pass first.

Pass started safely but then cut in due to parked cars. Luckily I slowed down. Supposedly a Proffesional driver.

Happened on 06Feb2022.

Unnecessarily close pass from Metro Bus, when destination is ~200 m on. Metro Bus choose to pass where the traffic island makes a choke point.
Rule in Tasmania is 1 m for speed limits less than 80 km.