Incident type: Blocked bike path
A stop sign operator is managing the safe movement of traffic into a side street. It’s all good until he puts the sign down and waves the cars through.
Instead of getting off the road he chooses to dawdle down the bike lane with his back to the traffic.
You wouldn’t do that in a lane full of cars, would you?
It’s a fun down, but not this time. Dodged a tree with only minor cuts. Other riders weren’t so lucky I heard. It has since been cleared.
Once again the driver of 1HBU056 has to dangerously extend the front of her vehicle into the bicycle lane before she can even see the road.
This is a very dangerous situation and the City of Fremantle could actually do something about it.
This video describes just how bad management of an Active Transport lane is managed when conducting road works.
Why do we need a bike lane if someone park a car on it?
Why aren’t these cars fined? We voted and demanded that the city provide these lanes for safe travel on these roads. How many more children and cyclists must be harmed before you think about this question?
The driver was transporting long pieces of PVC pipes that were too long for the trailer. Solution? Place them diagonally, and don’t worry about the overhang. A dangerous situation for the driver not paying attention when passing bicyclists, and other motorists, not to mention illegal in Florida (FSS 316.510)