Turkey was moving parallel down the road then decided to cross the road last second.

Two magpies spiralling out of the sky while fighting and landing on the road.

Out for a nice tailwind ride had hit 44kph by the bottom of a small creek crossing, got smashed in the head by something hard, and after that don’t remember a thing, got knocked out cold.

I spent 8 hours in the hospital, doctors said my now smashed helmet was what saved me and if I hadn’t had one on it would have been a very different story.

The next day I checked my cameras to see what had happened and found a Magpie had followed me for 200m and made 3 attempts to swoop me, before botching the 4th and knocking me out. The bike ended up in the middle of Great Northern Highway, it was good no cars or trucks were any closer as it could have been a lot worse.

close call with a turkey vulture

Several herons were congregating in the Northeast Branch of the Anacostia River.

I saw a small rabbit ahead and then the bird swooped in. It was closer than it looked causing me to duck.

Canadian Goose on bike path followed by fairly near miss from Lime Bike!

A number of cockatoos spring from a tree, bringing a rider down.

Went around a corner at a reasonable pace, only to disturb a flock of Corellas on the side of the road.  They took off in all directions, with one going straight under the front wheel of the bike.  Went back to see how he was.  Picked him up off the road, to which he responded by biting me through my glove!  Dislodged him from my hand pretty quickly with a vigorous shake.  On a positive note, I rode to the adjacent school and enlisted the help of one of the teachers.  The bird was collected in a box and taken to the local vet.

Attacked by a magpie twice! This bird nipped me on the exact same spot on the ear twice in 30sec.